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Prior to Notes/Domino 8, the location documents contained a setting to control whether hyperlinks in the Notes client opened in an embedded browser or in an external browser (IE for example), and this setting could be applied to clients via policies.
In Notes 8, the location document setting now only applies when using Domino Designer -- it controls which browser is launched when
Preview in Web Browser is selected.
To control which browser is launched to follow hyperlinks in the Notes client, you would need to adjust the Preferences, under Web Browser.
Both of these settings can be controlled in Notes/Domino 8.5 using policies as follows:
1. To set the location document to use the embedded or an external browser for Domino Designer, you would create (or reuse) a Desktop Settings document and on the Basics Tab under Browser Options, change the mislabelled "When clicking on a hyperlink in the Standard client, use the browser:" setting.
2. To set the Notes Preferences to use the embedded or an external browser for the Standard Notes client, you would create (or reuse) a Desktop Settings document and from the Custom Settings tab add an entry to the Managed Settings with as the plugin, USE_EMBEDDED_BROWSER as the item and false or true as the value.
This Custom Managed Setting actually changes the following file for you:
Location: %userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Lotus\Notes\Data\workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.runtime\.settings\
File Content:
#Thu Mar 06 09:32:25 EST 2008